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Author: Natascha Wouterson
sleep well waterbeds

Why don't more people choose a waterbed?

You want to buy a waterbed, but are still a bit hesitant? In this article you will get 2 important arguments why buying a waterbed is really a good idea.

A waterbed is super hygienic!

Everyone perspires at night (yes, you too! 🙂 ) With a waterbed, your perspiration is collected in a special cover. This is not the case with a regular mattress: your perspiration disappears straight into your mattress. Is that such a big problem? Think about what's in your perspiration: your sweat contains salt crystals and waste products from your body. Once that gets into your mattress, dander, waste products and salt crystals just stay there. Thus, a regular mattress if you use it for 10 years becomes even 1/3 heavier. That extra weight consists only of waste products from your body. The very idea! This lack of hygiene is totally non-existent with a waterbed. The removable cover can be regularly washed and any residue of evaporated perspiration is easily removed from the cover of your waterbed with a special cleaning cloth. So your waterbed is (and will remain) the epitome of hygiene.

A waterbed is the most pressure-reducing sleep system

No mattress distributes pressure as well and is as pressure relieving as a waterbed. The reason is simple: your body is completely surrounded or supported by water. Of course, a waterbed also contains material other than water. There are several layers of support material in a waterbed. Still, it is primarily the water that completely surrounds your body. Thus, you experience virtually no pressure on your nerve and blood pathways. That means sleeping hands are a thing of the past. You are also going to toss and turn much less and therefore sleep better and deeper. This, too, is due to that reduced pressure. Because it is because your body experiences pressure somewhere that it sends a signal to your brain that causes you to turn over. On a regular bed, you're going to unconsciously turn over up to 120 times a night. If you go to sleep on a waterbed, that is reduced to only 25 times! So you go through your sleep stages much better, which means you wake up better rested and need fewer hours of sleep. Obviously, sleeping better on a waterbed also gives you more energy during the day. In short, buying a waterbed is an excellent investment in your health 🙂 .

A waterbed has many other advantages

Do I have only 2 arguments in favor of buying a waterbed? Ummm..., no way! I have many more! So be sure to keep an eye on our blog if you're planning on buying a waterbed, because there are countless more benefits of waterbeds and tips on how to avoid pitfalls when buying a waterbed to follow. Would you rather dive right in? You can do that too! Finally, the above arguments for buying a waterbed are enough to get you at least heavily intrigued. Not to worry, in my E-book "Waterbeds, this you need to know..." you'll find all the information you need about waterbeds. Be sure to check out the vlog I made about this article. In it you get to see what that inside of such a waterbed looks like. Do you have friends who would benefit from pressure-reducing nights and more energetic days? Then share this article! Maybe this is the beginning of a waterbed revolution! 🙂
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Source: Why don't more people choose a waterbed?

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Natascha Wouterson

As a sleep expert, I have been advising people throughout Belgium and the Netherlands on sleeping comfort and better rest for more than 20 years. By phone or through a personal consultation in one of our stores. Because I believe that everyone has the right to a good and healthy night's sleep. That's why in this section I am happy to share much of my knowledge about sleep, health and lifestyle.

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