The Supersleep Method
Find out why sleep is more important than eating and exercising together!
7 incredibly useful ebooks for that deep restorative night's sleep
When will you start improving your sleep?
Sleep & Bowel
The diversity of your gut flora (microbiome) has a major impact on how well you sleep. If your gut is out of order, it disrupts your biorhythms. It is like your "master clock" that sets all hormonal processes to "sleep.
Sleep & Nutrition
Did you know that your hunger hormones are regulated by your sleep? If you don't sleep well, you won't make as good food choices and will have trouble losing weight. Especially that stubborn belly fat. How to break this cycle, find out here.
Sleep & Movement
If you don't sleep enough or if the quality of your sleep is poor, you are 40 percent more likely to suffer a (sports) injury. Exercise is also considered the best medicine for sleeping well. How do you do that and where do you start? You'll find out here.
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Knowing that the most important hormones for sleeping well are produced in the gut: serotonin and melatonin, it immediately becomes clear how important it is to pay attention to your gut health.
This is because the right bacteria in the gut transform your food into neurotransmitters our brains need to function properly such as dopamine, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA), histamine and acetylcholine, for example.
GABA, for example, is essential for good and restful sleep. Melatonin ensures that you can sleep well in and through the night. Melatonin, by the way, is found four hundred times more in our intestines than in the pineal gland in our brain. And serotonin in turn is the preparatory hormone for the production of melatonin and has a great influence on how you feel.
Death resides in the gut and disease resides in the belly, are age-old folk wisdom. But the opposite is also true: Our vitality and immune system are also in the gut. Proper functioning of the intestines with a healthy intestinal wall and active intestinal mucosa (glycocalyx) are essential in this regard. This supports a good sleep-wake rhythm and proper brain function.
Since we know from experience that many people have problems with their bowels, we have developed a special program: SleepDetox. It is a program from A to Z that helps you restore the connection between your gut and your biorhythms.
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Sleeping well and nutrition are inextricably linked. What you eat, when you eat and how you eat all affect your sleep. For many people, this is an eye opener. If you pay more attention to your nutrition, you will almost automatically sleep better. So does nutrition affect my sleep that much? I hear you thinking. Could that be the cause of my sleeping problems? Or that I don't feel fit and sometimes even down during the day?
Yes, this is indeed the case. The right food allows you to sleep better, deeper and especially more soundly, while unhealthy foods can actually keep you from sleeping. And conversely, a good night's sleep also affects your eating habits: in fact, you eat more unhealthily when you sleep less.
Moreover, unhealthy food lowers the production of important hormones that are essential for sleeping well. A shortage of these hormones causes you to sleep worse again and you end up in a kind of vicious cycle. So, in short, it all starts on your plate. With a healthy, varied diet of high quality.
Want to know more? Click hereSleep & Movement
Daily exercise is not only good for your body, it is also very good for your sleep. It has been proven that people with sleep problems get dramatically better sleep by adding a regular exercise program to their daily routine. So what is the best way to exercise and therefore sleep better? And is (a lot of) exercise always good?
Exercise is one side of the coin; the other side of the coin is rest and relaxation. Your body cannot recover without incorporating sufficient moments of rest. But if you are constantly brooding, stiff with stress and unable to quiet your mind, you will also have trouble sleeping well. What helpful methods are there to, for example, stop fretting, lower your adrenaline levels in no time or get rid of stress for good.
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