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Author: Natascha Wouterson
sleep well Mattresses Tempur

Tempur mattress hard in winter, is that right?

Occasionally a customer asks me in the store if it is true, what he has read on the Internet about Tempur mattresses getting hard in winter? There are many urban legends. Also, that a Tempur mattress becomes hard in winter is only true to a certain extent. In this article you will read why.


Among other things, Tempur mattresses are made of temperature-sensitive material. Therein also lies their great strength. Because a Tempur mattress reacts to heat, it forms completely to your body. You understand that because of this, you really are perfectly supported during your sleep.

If it is really cold in your bedroom during the winter, then it may indeed be that your Tempur mattress feels a bit hard when you just lie down on it. But a Tempur mattress takes your body temperature so quickly that we're talking about a few mere seconds. So yes, if you want to play it by the letter, a Tempur mattress feels cold in the winter for the first few seconds you lie on it. And then only if your bedroom is colder than, say, 15 to 16°C. Because otherwise, your Tempur mattress feels as soft in winter as it does in summer.


Are you really a fan of cold sleep, but don't want to lie on a hard mattress? Then Tempur has an excellent answer to that! In fact, 2 answers even! Do you like to sleep in a cold room, but on clouds? Then choose the Tempur Cloud mattress. It is always wonderfully soft, even in the coldest winter rooms. Can it be a little harder? Then the Tempur Sensation mattress is your thing. Of course, these Tempur mattresses also respond to heat and form to your body. Only they are adapted to the needs of those who like to sleep cold but not hard.


Even if you have a mattress that does not get hard when it is cold, I would still like to point out some disadvantages of cold sleeping. Because the secret to a good night's sleep is not only determined by your mattress, of course. Is your bedroom too cold? Then you risk it:

  •    Not being able to relax your muscles sufficiently
  •    Blood flow is not good
  •    You create tension in your body

That's why I always recommend keeping the ideal bedroom temperature at 16 to 18°C. Depending on your needs, through your choice of the right mattress and appropriate bedding, you can ensure that you are perfectly comfortable in your bedroom in any season. At least, as far as temperature is concerned 😉

Do you also like to sleep cold and soft? Or did you used to suffer from a mattress that was too hard because of the cold? Comment on this blog and I will be happy to give you additional tips to improve the quality of your sleep. You can also share this blog on the vlog I used as inspiration and help others in their search for the ideal bedroom temperature.


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Natascha Wouterson

As a sleep expert, I have been advising people throughout Belgium and the Netherlands on sleeping comfort and better rest for more than 20 years. By phone or through a personal consultation in one of our stores. Because I believe that everyone has the right to a good and healthy night's sleep. That's why in this section I am happy to share much of my knowledge about sleep, health and lifestyle.

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