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Author: Natascha Wouterson
sleep well waterbeds

Temperature of your waterbed essential for good sleep

What is the connection between a good night's sleep and temperature? Waterbed sleepers are not always aware of it, but the right temperature of your waterbed is essential for a good night's sleep. In this article, I'll explain why it's important and what to look out for.

Temperature of your waterbed: 25°C is really the minimum!

It is very important that the temperature of your waterbed never drops below 25°C. If your waterbed is colder than 25°C, your vinyl will harden. This is because vinyl stays nice and flexible by reacting to heat. If the vinyl loses its suppleness and becomes hard, all the creases created by the water bag adjusting to your body will creak, so to speak. This is one of the main causes of leaks in a waterbed. If you want to prevent a leaking waterbed, follow the rule that the waterbed temperature should be at least 25°C. By the way, this is still nice and cool even in summer, because a few degrees less than the surface temperature of your skin.

A waterbed that is too cold will cost you energy

You might think: heating less is saving energy. But I'm talking here about the relationship between your energy and temperature. Waterbed sleepers agree: the fact that you can set the temperature of your waterbed individually is one of the great advantages of a waterbed. You'll be nice and warm in the winter and nice and cool in the summer. But there is a difference between wonderfully cool and downright too cold. A waterbed temperature below 25°C is not only bad for the vinyl of the water bag, but also for your sleep quality. This is because your body has to put far too much energy into staying warm. As mentioned, just slightly cooler than the surface temperature of your skin is fine. And that temperature is 27°C. A waterbed that is too cold drains heat from your body. Your body naturally tries to correct that and so goes to work. That costs you energy and creates a risk of sweating. Yes really, despite the fact that you are basically too cold, you are going to sweat because of the effort your body is making to keep you warm. 🙁

An increased risk of mold in your waterbed

It's not just you that suffers from that nighttime perspiration. If the temperature of your waterbed is too cold, your perspiration won't evaporate either. This creates an environment with an increased risk of mold. This is unhygienic, unhealthy and leaves black stains on your ticking that you will never get rid of.
The ideal waterbed temperature does not exist. After all, it's mostly a matter of personal preference. But I do recommend never setting your waterbed below 25°C to avoid problems with your waterbed and to create an optimal sleeping climate. Warmer is fine, it depends on how you feel.
Curious about what else I have to say about waterbeds? You can read everything you need to know about waterbeds in my free e-book that you can download here. Want to come test the benefits of waterbeds in person? Then drop by Sleepwise, we'll be happy to help you with personal sleep advice. And be sure to check out the vlog on which this article is based. You'll find that our YouTube channel is an inexhaustible source of sleep advice 🙂 🙂
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Source: Waterbed temperature essential for good sleep

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Natascha Wouterson

As a sleep expert, I have been advising people throughout Belgium and the Netherlands on sleeping comfort and better rest for more than 20 years. By phone or through a personal consultation in one of our stores. Because I believe that everyone has the right to a good and healthy night's sleep. That's why in this section I am happy to share much of my knowledge about sleep, health and lifestyle.

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