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Author: Natascha Wouterson
sleep well

Stop negative thoughts and sleep like a rose

Get rid of negative thoughts! Easier said than done? Yes and no. Did you know that it becomes virtually impossible to fret if you start focusing on a feeling in your body? In this blog post I tell you how to do that and why it works to sleep better.


Want to get rid of your tension and stress? Then I have a brilliant technique you can apply! Focus and feeling don't go together at all, unless you start focusing on a feeling in your body 🙂 How to do that?

  • Lie on your back
  • Focus on the feeling in both your hands
  • Become aware of every feeling and tingling in your fingers
  • Experience contact with your sheets or quilt

This process requires your full attention and that is exactly what you want to achieve. Namely, you want to eliminate the thoughts that hinder your sleep; exactly what is happening here!


Of course, you don't banish negative thoughts immediately, which is why you take the above methodology one step further. After your hands, move your thoughts to your forearms. What do you feel there? And so you slowly walk virtually your entire body through your upper arms, your shoulders, your back and lower back to finally arrive at your feet and toes. Experience this very consciously. You will find that often you don't even get to your feet. By this time you have long since settled into your favorite sleeping position and fallen asleep. If not, no problem, just repeat the exercise again. Bet you can do it then!


I love scientific research. After all, we can perfectly apply the results of those studies in our daily lives, for example, to fall asleep easily. Take it from me, there are plenty of proven methods to sleep. And to make it easy for you, I have compiled the 18 best sleep tips on earth in a free E-book that you can download here. I'm sure there are methods among them that appeal to you and work perfectly.


Sleeping well is vital. Therefore, it is my mission to inform everyone about the best sleep methods. You can help me do this by sharing this article to help others get rid of insomnia too. Admit it, we all benefit from better sleep and less negative thoughts, right? Also, go check out the vlog on which this blog post is based. Or even better, subscribe to our YouTube channel to always stay up to date with the latest sleep tips and trends.

Source: Stop negative thoughts and sleep like a rose

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Natascha Wouterson

As a sleep expert, I have been advising people throughout Belgium and the Netherlands on sleeping comfort and better rest for more than 20 years. By phone or through a personal consultation in one of our stores. Because I believe that everyone has the right to a good and healthy night's sleep. That's why in this section I am happy to share much of my knowledge about sleep, health and lifestyle.

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