Your body does not have an on/off switch when it comes to energy dosing. That is, you get a solid energy boost from coffee, for example, purely because of your body's physical reaction to the caffeine. So drinking coffee shortly before you go to bed is not a good idea, but everyone knows that, right?
Nothing like a nice night out. Recharging the batteries, having fun with friends and celebrating... Nothing can be wrong with that. In fact, it's a perfect way to relax and get rid of excess energy. Great start to a good night's sleep, you might think. But what if - during your night out - you help keep the fire burning with energy drinks? Some of those drinks might give you wings, but you can forget about a swell night's sleep afterwards!
Energy drinks are full of pep substances such as caffeine that make your heart beat faster. This causes your energy levels to skyrocket, but lowering them to get a good night's sleep is a different matter. In order to sleep well, your heart must calm down and slow down. Energy drinks - even when combined with alcohol - are therefore not a good idea.
Do you want to sleep better? Then there are many simple steps you can take that will significantly improve your sleep quality. Using less caffeine - especially in the evening - is a good habit. In this way, you give your body space to rest naturally and prepare for sleep. That will make itself felt in the quality of your sleep. And the good news is: if you sleep better, you'll have more energy during the day. You might even notice then that you don't need those energy drinks at all to fly in vigorously for a change 🙂 .
Claiming that energy drinks are not really conducive to a good night's sleep is possibly an open door. But I bet there are tips for better sleep through a healthier diet you've never heard of. To make it easy for you, I have compiled these tips in my E-book "7 superfoods to sleep even better." In it, I reveal some secrets about which drinks or nutrients will give you wonderful nights.
Do you know inveterate energy drink fanatics? If so, share this article to make them more aware of the effect of energy drinks on your sleep. That way, you'll wing this article and give your friends the refreshing nights they need for more energetic days. Would you like more tips on sleeping well? Then subscribe to our YouTube channel. There you will also find the vlog on which this article is based, along with lots of other tips to improve your quality of life. Because that's exactly what happens when you get better sleep!
Source: Redbull, deadly for your sleep quality!