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Author: Natascha Wouterson
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Can't get good (through) sleep? Then be sure to read this blog post

Do you have that too, that you wake up around the same time every night and are not at all sleepy in the morning? It's cold comfort, I know, but you're far from the only one. And after you read this blog post, your life is going to change completely, because you'll have an instant solution to your sleep problem.

The sleep method of Andreas Moritz

I am constantly looking for a method to guarantee people the best possible sleep. For example, I recently came across a method by Andreas Moritz. Never heard of it? You may have. However, he is the author of a bestseller, but perhaps the kind you have on your bedside table. His book is titled: The Incredible Liver and Gallbladder Purification. In that book, he states that 30-40% of all Westerners suffer from gallstones in their lifetime.

Sleeping better through your liver

Because of our Western lifestyle, there is a serious delay in the production of bile fluid in the liver. As you can imagine, that causes all kinds of health problems, including sleep disorders. Not long ago, I became fascinated by the story of a woman who had been undergoing treatment for 26 years for sleep problems and chronic fatigue. 26 years! Many of the treatments had only limited and mostly temporary effects; until she shifted her focus to strengthening the functioning of her liver.

A natural and lasting solution to sleep better

Want a simple way to get your liver going again? Then a visit to the osteopath is a great idea. If you opt for Andreas Moritz's method, always do so under medical supervision. By taking care of your liver, you will regain your energy and fitness during the day and sleep better at night. You will be amazed by the effects of this powerful and natural method to improve your health and sleep quality.

The best sleep tips in the world!

Your sleep is vitally important. That's why I want to help you with a fantastic bundle of the best sleep tips in the world. I have tested and liked them all 🙂 You will find them in this downloadable E-book. I encourage you to select your favorite sleep tips from it and test them out. You will notice that you fall asleep easier and faster and that you sleep better and deeper. The fact that you are also more energetic during the day is a logical consequence of that better sleep. In short, all good news, and you will - yes! - sleep even better. Good news is there to be shared, so feel free to forward the link to your sleep-deprived friends. Also, be sure to check out the vlog on which this article is based. You can find it on our YouTube channel among a bunch of other valuable sleep tips.

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Natascha Wouterson

As a sleep expert, I have been advising people throughout Belgium and the Netherlands on sleeping comfort and better rest for more than 20 years. By phone or through a personal consultation in one of our stores. Because I believe that everyone has the right to a good and healthy night's sleep. That's why in this section I am happy to share much of my knowledge about sleep, health and lifestyle.

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