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Author: Natascha Wouterson
sleep well pillows

Down pillow is flat as a fig after 1 year?

Delicious, nice and soft luxury. That's what a down pillow feels like when you first start sleeping on it. Unfortunately, I often hear stories from people who say their down pillow is as flat as a fig after six months. Gone is the wonderful luxury! How do you prevent your down pillow from becoming flat?


Only 1 down pillow for 3 rooms? No ;-), a 3-room down pillow! That's the solution to your problem. Do you like sleeping on a down pillow, but want to avoid it being completely flat after a year? Then choose a 3-chamber down pillow. Such a down pillow is divided into 3 parts (or chambers) to prevent your down pillow from becoming flat. The middle section of a 3-chamber down pillow is filled with feathers that make your pillow feel nice and soft, without the risk of it becoming flat over time. The outer 2 chambers are filled with down, a blissfully soft luxury!


In addition to its luxurious feel and wonderful, supportive softness, a down pillow offers other benefits. A down pillow is:

  • Excellent ventilation
  • Moisturizing

Since the ticking is usually made of cotton, you generally sleep on an all-natural product. Make sure you get a washable ticking supplied with your down pillow, that way you keep it extra hygienic.


A good pillow is essential for good sleep. How nice your pillow feels is partly determined by the hardness of your pillow. This is why you can also find 3-chamber down pillows in different firmnesses at sleep specialists. Because how soft or how hard a pillow should be is a very personal matter. At House of Sleep, we therefore offer 3-chamber down pillows in 4 levels of firmness:

  • Soft
  • Medium
  • Firm
  • Extra firm

The rule is simple: the higher the ratio of down to feathers, the softer your down pillow. Each firmness is equally qualitative; whether you sleep better on a particular down pillow depends entirely on your personal preference and possibly your sleeping position.


Choosing a pillow is not always easy. That is why I advise you to ALWAYS come and try it out. On the basis of specific questions we determine which pillows are most suitable. Then you can "try out" the selected pillows in a situation as similar as possible to the way you sleep at home, even if that is on a waterbed. Are you still not convinced? For example, because you would like to switch to a down pillow for the first time? Then take advantage of House of Sleep's test pillow program.

Do you love the soft feel of a down pillow, but have had negative experiences because your pillow became as flat as a fig? By taking care to purchase a 3-chamber down pillow, something like this will no longer happen to you. Also, share this article so you let others know how to combine the luxury of a down pillow with lasting resilience. Want to know more about it? We got the inspiration for this blog from this video.

Source: Down pillow as flat as a fig after 1 year?


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Natascha Wouterson

As a sleep expert, I have been advising people throughout Belgium and the Netherlands on sleeping comfort and better rest for more than 20 years. By phone or through a personal consultation in one of our stores. Because I believe that everyone has the right to a good and healthy night's sleep. That's why in this section I am happy to share much of my knowledge about sleep, health and lifestyle.

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