I would like to tell you something I experience a lot in practice. The practice of waterbeds. Because the topic of 'waterbeds' is not only an 'art' but also a bit of 'science'.
A few weeks ago I received another such question from a customer: 'Natascha, since I've been sleeping on my new waterbed for a few months, I keep hearing this sloshing sound. We bleed our waterbed, but after a few weeks the sloshing is back. With my previous waterbed, I didn't have this at all. Why is that?"
We struck up a pleasant conversation and fortunately I was able to help her.
This customer, together with her husband, had already looked around on the Internet, but had not found a real solution. They didn't actually understand, because with their previous waterbed they didn't have this problem. "I don't really get it, I always add waterbed conditioner to my waterbed in good time and still we keep having air bubbles and a sloshing sound in our water mattresses" she said, slightly frustrated.
She even got into words with her husband about it and she didn't always wake up rested in the morning.
"Now something has to be done ... this can't go on any longer, I work shifts and I really need my night's rest", she sighed. Clearly an example of desperation because you don't know how to fix it anymore.
Mortal sin because this woman was also suffering from her hip and it was getting to the point where she didn't like going to bed. Because of the air formation, she sometimes woke up at night and could no longer fall asleep. Result? She was not really rested in the morning, irritable and tired.
Fortunately, this is all easily solved. But first, let me explain why the problem of air formation used to be almost non-existent. Waterbed conditioner used to contain Bromine, a heavy metal that is toxic to humans. Bromine binds air and mostly kills bacteria. So that kept the still water in good condition.
And what is the case now? For a few years now, Bromine has not been allowed to be added to waterbed
conditioner. Today's organic alternatives to Bromine are good, but a little less potent. So these days I recommend adding conditioner to your water mattress twice a year. And vent your water mattress every quarter. Definitely don't forget, or you will - almost for certain - get that sloshing sound.
So waterbed tip 1: Add waterbed conditioner to your waterbed timely and regularly.
And find it hard to remember? Then use our free reminder service waterbed conditioner.
"Yes, I already use your reminder service, it's really helpful" she said. But now you still don't know how to solve the air problem of your waterbed, because that's why you came to me.
Air formation or the sloshing sound is in 95% of cases caused by bacteria that settle between the fiber layers of the watermattress. To solve this we first need to know what kind of bacteria it is. In fact, there are 2 types and we treat them in a different way.
"So how do I know which bacteria I have in my mattress?", she asked. For this I have a tester for each mattress that I give to you, which you have to use to culture the water from your water mattress for 4 days. This all sounds a bit scientific (and it is ;-), but then I can determine the type of bacteria and give you the right products to solve the air problem permanently.
And what many people don't know is that sometimes it is also caused by the plugs of the water mattress. These then suck in, so to speak, "false air. This can also cause this annoying air formation. For this instead I have special plugs that I recommend anyone with air problems to use.
So waterbed tip 2: if you have a sloshing sound in your water mattress that keeps returning after venting, put the water of your water mattress on culture for 4 days with a special tester.
You will also receive a form with the tester on which you can see exactly which bacteria it is. And then I can tell you exactly which products you should treat your water mattress with.
"OK, then give me 2 of those testers!" she said expectantly "And after 4 days I will contact you again." Fine I said, and meanwhile I know that she is finally relieved of those annoying air problems. Something like that makes me happy.
And while I was at it, I gave her a few other practical tips for keeping her waterbed in tip-top shape.
Waterbed tip 3 is about moving your waterbed. If you are considering moving your waterbed, you can have us do it professionally. Not unimportant, because if, for example, you do not vacuum your water mattresses properly when draining them, the fiber layers can shift. Unfortunately, you can then immediately dispose of your water pockets with the bulky garbage ;-(
And before refilling your watermattress, it is very important to first add 500ml of waterbed conditioner per watermattress. Because only in this way the conditioner spreads well in the pockets and you avoid many air problems afterwards.
I know a waterbed has always been a controversial sleeping system. "You love it or you hate it" is a common comment. I myself think waterbeds are fantastic and I wish everyone that blissful comfort of a waterbed. You too!
Waterbed tip 4 that I gave her was about the temperature of her waterbed.
"Yes, my husband always sets the temperature of his waterbed as low as possible, I believe around 24°C and yet sometimes he still sweats," she told me. "But I love to set my temperature to 29°C, then I always crawl into a heated bed, just blissful." I had to smile when she said this, because this is a great advantage of a waterbed.
It is true that many people think that 27°C is too warm for the waterbed. It seems contradictory, but this really is the ideal temperature for your waterbed.
"Then why?"
Hairline cracks: you increase the risk of hairline cracks, or small leaks (the size of a pinhead), because the vinyl becomes too cold and therefore hard and brittle.
Sweating more: your skin temperature is about 27°C. If you now adjust the temperature of your water mattress downward (e.g., 24°C), your body will work harder to bring the skin temperature back up to 27°C. And this is not pleasant, because you will perspire more.
In the summer with high temperatures, you can of course adjust the temperature of your watermattress down slightly to get into a nice cool bed.
Mildew: And last but not least, if you adjust the temperature of your watermattress too low, the moisture does not evaporate properly from the cover after a night's sleep. This eventually causes mold spots in the ticking. Not an attractive idea right?
And before she continued I finally gave her my waterbed tip 5 told her about heating elements. Always choose a programmable heating element, because you can turn it off at night and turn it back on in the morning. During the night, the waterbed then cools down about 2°C.
"And what is the advantage of this?" She asked?
No electromagnetic field: during the night there is no electromagnetic field present, which makes you sleep much more peacefully and deeply. Especially for people who are sensitive to this, it is ideal to pre-program your heating element.
Of course, you then have to play the game right. No cell phone, iPad or other wireless devices in your bedroom and it's also better to put the TV in the living room 😉
Good night!